Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Architectural Models Ebook

Architectural Design with SketchUp: Component-Based Modeling, Plugins, Rendering, and Scripting

Architectural Design with SketchUp: Component-Based Modeling, Plugins, Rendering, and Scripting

Brand: Model: SKU: 9781118123096

"... the book is wonderfully illustrated with full color and descriptive images that complement each tutorial or exercise. Alex's teaching background really rings through as every item is nicely structured and very informative. Overall Alex's book is a winner. Well structured, illustrated and most of all easy to read and understand. While the overall theme...
Interior Design Visual Presentation: A Guide to Graphics, Models and Presentation Techniques

Interior Design Visual Presentation: A Guide to Graphics, Models and Presentation Techniques

Brand: Model: SKU: 9780471741565ING

Develop the skills you need to deliver presentations that sell.This unique resource focusing on the visual design and presentation skills of the interior designer, offers thorough, process-oriented coverage on the planning, layout, and design of interior building spaces, complete with a broad range of real-world examples. The author's accessible, how-to approach guides you through a...
Origami Architecture: Papercraft Models of the World's Most Famous Buildings

Origami Architecture: Papercraft Models of the World's Most Famous Buildings

Brand: Model: SKU: ACOUK_book_usedgood_4805311541

The incredible splendors of some of the worlds' most recognized architectural feats are brought to life within the pages of Origami Architecture. With this book, some card stock paper, and a hobby knife, anyone can build spectacular re-creation's of the most famous buildings in the world. It gives instructions and templates for 16 buildings, including...
Urban Transformation: Understanding City Form and Design

Urban Transformation: Understanding City Form and Design

Brand: Model: SKU:

How do cities transform over time? And why do some cities change for the better while others deteriorate? In articulating new ways of viewing urban areas and how they develop over time, Peter Bosselmann offers a stimulating guidebook for students and professionals engaged in urban design, planning, and architecture. By looking through Bosselmann’s eyes (aided...
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

Brand: Model: SKU: ACOMMP2_book_usedverygood_0321127420

The practice of enterprise application development has benefited from the emergence of many new enabling technologies. Multi-tiered object-oriented platforms, such as Java and .NET, have become commonplace. These new tools and technologies are capable of building powerful applications, but they are not easily implemented. Common failures in enterprise applications often occur because their developers do...
Designing with Models: A Studio Guide to Making and Using Architectural Design Models

Designing with Models: A Studio Guide to Making and Using Architectural Design Models

Brand: Model: SKU:

Designing with Models, Second Edition is the revised, step-by-step guide to basic and advanced design process modeling. This comprehensive text explains the process from start to finish, and has been expanded to include up-to-date information on digital modeling programs and rapid prototyping processes. The impact of this new wave of 3D modeling technology is examined...
Interior Design Visual Presentation: A Guide to Graphics, Models and Presentation Techniques

Interior Design Visual Presentation: A Guide to Graphics, Models and Presentation Techniques

Brand: Model: SKU:

A practical, comprehensive guide to developing effective design communication skillsFrom doing a quick sketch to producing a fully rendered model, the ability to create visual representations of designs is a critical skill for every designer. Interior Design Visual Presentation, Fourth Edition offers thorough coverage of interior design communication used throughout the design process, complete with...
How to Build a Scale Model House (Doc Handy's Hobby Helpers)

How to Build a Scale Model House (Doc Handy's Hobby Helpers)

Brand: Model: SKU:

DIY Publications presents Doc Handy’s Hobby Helpers Series. This series of how-to e-books is designed to provide interesting projects for the hobbyist. From the beginner to the expert hobbyist, there’s something for everyone. This book provides the instructions, illustrations, photos, and working drawings to teach you how to build different types of scale model houses...
Designing with Models: A Studio Guide to Architectural Process Models

Designing with Models: A Studio Guide to Architectural Process Models

Brand: Model: SKU:

The newly updated guide to design process modeling techniquesDesigning with Models, Third Edition is the revised, step-by-step guide to basic and advanced design process modeling. This comprehensive text explains the process from start to finish, and has been expanded to include up-to-date information on digital modeling programs and rapid prototyping processes. The impact of this...
Security Risk Management: Building an Information Security Risk Management Program from the Ground Up

Security Risk Management: Building an Information Security Risk Management Program from the Ground Up

Brand: Model: SKU:

The goal of Security Risk Management is to teach you practical techniques that will be used on a daily basis, while also explaining the fundamentals so you understand the rationale behind these practices. Security professionals often fall into the trap of telling the business that they need to fix something, but they can’t explain why....

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